

补偿的目的 & 管理发展委员会 (“Committee”) is to assist Board oversight of:

  1. The development of and succession for key executives;
  2. The corporation’s compensation 原则和做法, including by
    • reviewing and approving the corporation’s compensation and qualified benefit programs,
    • seeking to maintain the competitiveness of these programs, and
    • 回顾风险之间的关系, 风险管理, and compensation in light of the corporation’s objectives, including its safety and soundness and the avoidance of practices that would encourage excessive or unnecessary risk-taking; and
  3. 企业文化, 包括审查管理层关于重大行为问题和任何相关员工行为的最新情况, including but not limited to compensation actions.

The Committee oversees reputational risks and conduct risks within its scope of responsibility.


  1. 补偿 & 管理发展委员会 shall be composed solely of non-management directors, 数目不少于三个.
  2. 委员会的每位成员均应符合纽约证券交易所公司治理的独立性标准,即公司最近一次年度会议的上市标准,以及董事会公司治理原则中规定的公司独立性标准. 根据1934年《澳博官方网站app》第16条(“第16条”),每位成员还应是一名非雇员董事。.
  3. 会员 on 该委员会 is reviewed each year by the 公司治理 & 提名委员会 and approved by the Board, which also designates a Chair for 该委员会. Each Committee member and Chair serves at the pleasure of the Board.


  1. The Committee shall meet as often as it determines is appropriate, but not less frequently than four times per annum. The Chair shall preside at all meetings of 该委员会 and shall set the agenda.
  2. 委员会可要求公司的任何高级职员或雇员出席委员会的会议,或要求该等人员与委员会的任何成员会面, 或顾问, 该委员会.
  3. The Committee has authority to retain advisers when it deems appropriate, 包括薪酬顾问, 外部法律顾问或其他顾问, and including approval of fees and terms of retention, without the prior permission of the Board or management, and shall be provided the necessary resources for such purpose. The Committee shall be directly responsible for the appointment, compensation and oversight of the work of any advisor it retains. To the extent required by New York Stock Exchange rules, the committee will conduct an independence assessment, 考虑到纽约证券交易所规则中规定的因素以及委员会认为与顾问独立于管理层有关的任何其他因素, prior to selecting or receiving advice from an adviser.
  4. The Committee shall report periodically to the Board, generally at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting following a Committee meeting, on actions taken and significant matters reviewed by 该委员会.




  1. Periodically review and approve a statement of the corporation's compensation philosophy, 原则和做法.
  2. Approve the goals and objectives of the corporation relevant to the compensation of the Chief Executive Officer and any other Officer- Director (the "Officer-Directors"); evaluate the Officer-Directors in light of those goals and objectives; and determine the compensation for the Officer-Directors based on this evaluation (subject to ratification by the independent directors of the Board). In determining the long-term incentive awards for the Officer-Directors, 该委员会旨在进一步使高级董事的利益与股东的利益保持一致,并考虑公司的业绩和相对股东回报等因素, 全面的风险和控制管理, the awards given to the Officer-Directors in past years, 竞争金融机构的相关同业团体的奖励做法,以及委员会对高级董事对公司成功的当前和预期贡献的评估.
  3. 批准所有工资, 短期激励性薪酬, 以及高级董事(须经董事会独立董事批准)和第16条管理人员的长期激励奖励.
  4. 批准长期激励计划下的年度奖励总额,并批准每种奖励的条款和条件. 人力资源主管, with the concurrence of an Operating Committee member, 可批准长期激励计划奖励未来雇员及现任高级职员,以留住他们(第16条的高级职员除外). 对将担任第16节干事的新雇员的奖励需要得到委员会主席的批准,并随后通知委员会. The Committee chair will determine if the entire Committee should approve such awards at the time of hire.
  5. 审查 and recommend employee equity-based plans to the full Board.
  6. Approve the overall incentive compensation pool for the corporation.
  7. 审查 the corporation's compensation practices and the relationship among risk, 风险管理 and compensation in light of the corporation's objectives, including its safety and soundness and the avoidance of practices that would encourage excessive risk; for this purpose, 该委员会 will meet not less than annually with the corporation's Chief Risk Officer and other management, and will also meet with one or more members of the 风险委员会 of the Board of Directors.
  8. 审查和批准公司的合格福利计划的变更,导致成本或福利水平的重大变化.
  9. Approve the delegation of authority to the Head of Human Resources and the Chief Financial Officer to appoint the members of each employee pension plan’s fiduciary Committee and to appoint the Plan Administrator for employee benefit plans subject to ERISA; approve the Fiduciary Rules; and receive reports regarding the operation of the employee benefit plans.
  10. 审查 and discuss with management the 补偿 Discussion and Analysis and approve the 补偿 & 管理发展委员会 report to be included in the corporation's annual proxy statement.
  11. 批准授权人力资源主管或其他适当的官员管理和修改公司的薪酬和福利计划, including the authority to interpret the program in individual cases when appropriate.

Management development, culture, conduct and succession planning

  1. Periodically review and approve a written talent management program that provides for development, 招聘, and succession planning for key executives; review diversity programs; evaluate the performance of key executives; review the succession plan for key executives, including the Chairman and the Chief Executive Officer; and make recommendations to the Board regarding key executives.
  2. Approve the corporation’s Business Principles and any material changes to such principles.
  3. 定期回顾公司文化,包括回顾员工的主题反馈和文化活动, and review reports from management regarding significant conduct issues and any related employee actions, including but not limited to compensation actions.

Action on behalf of national bank subsidiaries

  1. 委员会有充分和完全的权力代表公司的国家银行子公司(“银行”)行使补偿 & 管理发展委员会 responsibilities of the Banks, 根据银行章程和澳博官方网站app董事会授予委员会的权力 & Co. 促进这种责任, 委员会有责任寻求维护银行的安全和稳健,并对银行的薪酬进行监督 & 管理发展委员会的理解是,银行的利益不能从属于母公司控股公司的利益,从而危及银行的安全和稳健.


  1. 审查, 至少每年一次, 该委员会's charter and recommend any proposed changes to the Board for approval. 补偿 & 管理发展委员会负责筹备, 并向董事会报告, an annual performance evaluation of 该委员会, which shall compare the performance of 该委员会 with the requirements of this charter.

